Thursday, July 3, 2014

The Pet Rock Has Arrived!

Yeah!  My latest claymation is finally completed!  I hope you enjoy it!  I liked working on this one and I can't wait to further expand the story of these characters in the next few episodes.  I don't have any storyboards yet, but I do have some more story ideas I would like to pursue.  More details later.  For now, I ask you to simply watch this episode and let me know what you think.

If only I had more time to work on these...  I would probably be able to release a new episode every three months instead of every year.  Eh well, I'll keep working on it.

Thanks for reading and may God bless you!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Production for Pet Rock Completed

You read the title correctly.  All of the animation for "Pet Rock" is officially finished.  I am quite proud of the results.  Not only has this episode allowed me to develop my animation style, it has also allowed me to further explore other film making skills such as camera movement, dolly zoom, and rack focus. I don't have much else to share except for some images.

The Wizard returns with Mr. Weebee, this time the owner of a Pet Shop. 

While exploring the Pet Shop, Mr. Weebee pets the fur ball.

The Pet Rock in all his glory contained in a display case.

Mr. Weebee wheels his new pet on a wagon made of toy parts and balsa wood. 

 Mr. Weebee and his pet rock play in the park with a frisbee as the fur ball looks on.

A show of affection between owner and pet.

With some sound, music, and titles, this short is on its way to be finished.

Thanks for reading and may God bless you!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Production for The Pet Rock has Begun!

Well, I'm back at college.  With everything starting up, I was able to shoot the first shot today after working on a few set pieces for the film.  It appears this one will be a little more complicated than "The Booger Monster."  One particular challenge is the pet shop.  I can't have the pet shop feature just the pet rock and the fur ball.  It has to appear somewhat populated and at least resemble a typical pet shop.

First, I started with the front counter.  I bought a nice variety package of balsa wood from the Hobby Lobby.

I marked where to make the cuts to make pieces for the counter.

Using a hot glue gun, I put all the pieces together.  It looks more like a table because I plan to use it in the future as a regular table.

For Christmas, one of my sisters bought me this nifty package of foam texture.

 To make the table look more like a counter, I covered it with the foam.

I also had to quickly put together a sign.  Yes, the wizard from "The Booger Monster" is returning.

I also had to build a pedestal for the pet rock's cage.  Nothing too fancy, just a bunch of cardboard put together by a hot glue gun.

Here's the final display for the pet rock.  The plastic box is from the Hobby Lobby.

Here is the entire population of the pet shop.  The pen for the fur ball was designed to break away, so that I can get some interesting angles from the inside.

That's all I can share for right now!  Thanks for reading and may God bless you!